Our team believes that openness is a necessary driver for true innovation. With this in mind, we have created several ways for stakeholder and interested parties to get involved with the vessel train development. Below you will find further explanation on ways to interact with our team.
Our project team is always interested in co-existing developments in the field of ship automation. Requests for collaboration on the development of the Vessel Train are welcome. You can reach our team by sending an e-mail to novimar@maritimetechnology.nl
The NOVIMAR consortium consists of 22 partners. The development team connects academia, research institutes and innovative small and medium enterprises from nine different countries. Curious to meet them?
Share your thoughts with us on topics such as vessel design, commercial opportunities and labour conditions on social media by using the hashtag #vesseltrain. Our team is also available for interview requests and panel discussions.
Want to acquire an understanding of the project? Get the latest on current developments? Gain access to our network? Join our community & subscribe to our newsletter!