
Stichting Projecten Binnenvaart

Vasteland 78
3011 BN Rotterdam
The Netherlands
+31 10 798 98 30

Stichting Projecten Binnenvaart (SPB) is a Rotterdam based foundation established by the Dutch IWT sector organisations. The foundations primary task is to manage and participate in national and international projects with special focus on further developing the innovation potential of the IWT sector.

One of the main activities of SPB is to carry out the programme office Expertise and Innovation Centre Barging (EICB). This office was originally founded as a result of a covenant between the Dutch IWT sector organisations and the then Dutch Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management in 2006. Since that time EICB established a proven track record in facilitating the uptake of innovative concepts and bringing them to markets and end-users by means of the EICB Innovation Lab. Recently this concept has been scaled up towards a European level by the creation of the European Inland Barging Innovation Platform (EIBIP), leading the development of several Innovation Centres throughout Europe.

“The Vessel Train is a well thought-out concept which has great potential in providing the right answers to some of the most challenging issues confronting the IWT sector in the next decade.”

- Erwin van der Linden, Senior Projectmanager